5th November 2023

Seeking Jesus when I am Tired

Passage: Psalm 139:23- 24

Seeking Jesus when I am tired!

Many people in this time of the year when you just greet them and say how are you, they say, we are tired. It is expected to have an emotional and physical fatigue, however, as Christians, how do we deal with that? Because 1 Peter 3:15 says we must always be ready to give an answer to our faith, so if any comes to you as a Christian and say I am tired and continue winning about being tired, what is your answer. Christian must have answers to all life questions not because they know all things, but, because the God we serve is an omniscient God, He knows all things, He has answers to a tired society – our nation is tired, our community is tired, tiredness is in families, But what is our response to this tiredness as Christians?

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